Sunday, January 8, 2012

Live Simply

As I begin to become more accustomed to the way of life here in Italy, I cannot help but notice how different their society is from our own.  Having lived in both AC and DC I like to think I often lead a fast paced life.  Yes, I am a beach bum at heart, buy I love the energy that comes along with city life.  Rome is a completely different experience.  Back in the States everyone is always in a hurry, rushing off to one thing or another.  We rarely ever stop and just enjoy the beauty that is around us.  In Italy, how can you not just stop and take a moment and say, "Wow, look at that!"  In America, we are too busy talking on our iPhones, or listening to our iPods, or playing Angry Birds on our iPads while simultaneously tweeting about it.  Not having a cell phone these past few days has been a complete culture shock.  Everyone in the program said the same thing. We often go to reach for our phone and realize it is not there.  Here no one walks the streets with head phones in their ears, or a cell phone attached to their hand.  I have to admit, I kind of like it.  We focus less on what is around us, and instead get lost in our own technological world.  Remember to live simply.



      "Live simply.  Love generously.  Care deeply.  Speak kindly.  Leave the rest to God."
                ~Ronald Reagan

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