Our anticipated departure for Tuscany was Saturday, February 3rd at 8:00 a.m. The previous day we got, what Italy considers, a little snow storm...so like two-three inches. I woke up the previous day for class at 7:15 only to find out that class had been moved to 11:00 a.m. I knew when I woke up that the dorm was alarmingly quiet-not a noise in the whole place...that was odd. I know the architecture kids were gone, but this was freakishly quiet.
Today, Saturday, I woke up at 7:25, and again the dorm was really quiet. I thought to myself, "I will learn my lesson from yesterday. I better turn on my cell phone; I probably have a message from Dr. Dawson. What do you know, I was right! It is funny that this is the second day I was the last to find out. Yesterday I even ate breakfast before realizing that class had been postponed. My belief is that when I sleep, my technology should sleep as well. There is no need for it to be on. (Well I guess there is).
Turns out that our Saturday departure has been cancelled due to the snow. I am a little disappointed but I guess I'll just head back to bed. Night. Night.
"A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water."
~Carl Reiner
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