Our Apartment |
So I haven't blogged in forever; I have really been slacking! After Venice we had midterms and then our spring break began. For spring break we spent four and half days in London and four days in Prague. I absolutely loved London. I am just going to add it to the list of places I now want to live in. Besides that fact that it was great to hear English again (especially with a british accent), London was just an overall fun city with so much to see and do.
Day 1
We arrived in London at around 11 am. We couldn't check into our apartment until 2, so we had some time to kill. We had a great lunch at this little cafe CocoMomo, we bought groceries and then checked into the apartment. We rented the apartment from a guy who we liked to call Beetlejuice. He was so weird! He had stingy long, wet hair, an all black suite with a red shirt and white make-up all over his face. He was a hoot! After we settled in to the apartment we headed to the Tube and we were off to Windsor Castle! We spent the rest of the afternoon wandering around the Queen's summer home. We got to see the Queen's ginormous doll house which is bigger than my own house, a portrait room of the queen throughout her life celebrating her Jubilee, and we even got to see the Guards march. Besides the rain, this was a great way to spend an afternoon in England! That night, we meet up at O'Neill's Pub with some of our CUA friends who are interning at Parliament. We hung out with them for a while and then we all headed home and crashed.

Day 2

We got up early and met our Parliament friends for a private tour of Parliament. How cool is that?! I got to stand on Churchill's grave, see where the Prime Minister sits and so much more. They gave an awesome tour! After the tour we got something to eat and saw Big Ben and then headed over to my favorite place: Westminster Abbey. Before we arrived in London we all bought the London Pass. It is a tourist pass that allows you to go into all the different attraction sights. It ended up being a lot cheaper than individually paying for each thing, and it included metro cards as well. We spent over an hour in Westminster. Westminster is probably one of my favorite places that I have been to since coming abroad. The church was absurdly beautiful, and it was crazy to think that just last year Prince William and Kate got married here. We had audio guides as we walked around the church, and at one point the director said to just stop and listen to the recording of the Westminster Abbey Boys Choir. It was at this moment that I had another 'omg I am studying abroad' moment. I was just in awe of my surroundings. After walking around the church area, I visited Poet's Corner where I got to see the graves of some of the most famous author's of all time. Although Shakespeare is not buried here they still have a statue in his honor. I wish I had time while I was in London to visit Stratfort Upon Avon-the place where Shakespeare lived; however, there just wasn't enough time. After Westminster we walked around the Churchill Museum and then saw Buckingham Palace. I have to say, I was slightly disappointed by the Palace. I think I imaged it to be more elaborate and much larger. There also weren't any guards out front so that was much different than I had imagined it. After Buckingham Palace, Alyssa and I decided to get lost in Harrods. This place was huge and completely out of my price range! We found the 'Harrods' section and bought some memorabilia. I bought an apron and a wallet, and I didn't have to spend an arm and a leg. After we got back, we all headed out and saw the play 'Wicked'. All I can say is that it was absolutely AMAZING! I have always wanted to see this show, and what better place than London! It was awesome.

Day 3
Alyssa and I got up early and headed to Shakespeare's Globe Theatre. The Shakespeare lover in me was thrilled! We had a guided tour and we got to see the inside of the theatre and watched them set up for their production of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. I would have bought tickets to see one of the show's; however, they were only doing children's productions. After the Globe, we crossed over the Harry Potter Bridge, and headed to St. Paul's Carhedral. Unfortunately it was closed, so we then headed to The Monument. The Monument is a tall obelisk you can climb to see a view of the city. 400 steps later and we were at the top. Climbing things seems to be a reoccurong theme in all of my trips. Afterward, we got a certificate congratulating us on making it to the top. We then headed back to Big Ben to meet the rest of our group for a boat tour. The boat tour was hysterical. The tour was a cool way to see all the sights from the water. We got to see the construction for what is going to be the tallest building in Europe, so that was pretty cool! We also saw a building made of all glass and our guide joked that it was the windowashers headquarters where they were practicing for the Olympics. The boat dropped us off at the Tower of London and we headed inside. Unfortunately they were not showing the Crown Jewels. Kaleigh said something about the Jewels and the guard overheard her and laughed, "Oh well. All the same shit." Her witty comments never get old! We wandered around the Tower aimlessly. It is hard to fully appreciate it when you don't really know what you are looking at. After the Tower we headed back to the apartment and later that night we met the Parliament kids and went bowling. What a blast! I am probably the world's worst bowler, but I actually didn't do that bad! We had bets going on who was going to win. Tom always managed to knock the pins over in his bet no matter how hard the shot was. Afterwards, everyone went to a pub and I headed home because I was absolutely exhausted.
Globe Theatre |
Bridge from Harry Potter, St.Paul's in the foreground. |
View of the staircase from the top of The Monument. |
Me and Alyssa at the top of The Monument. |
Big Ben and Parliament |
Construction for the soon to be tallest building in Europe. |
Tower Bridge. |
Day 4
Beetlejuice |
Today was our last day in London. We went back to CocoMomo for lunch and then waited for our shuttle to take us to the airport. Beetlejuice said one last goodbye before we left. "Remeber to give us a good review!" After that it was off to Prague we go!
CocoMomo |
"Too often travel, instead of broadening the mind, merely lengthens the conversation."
~Elizabeth Drew